Sean Eriksen

I was born and raised in Seattle and graduated with a psychology degree from the University of Oregon in 2018. After two years of corporate sales jobs, I converted my minivan into a mobile home and traveled around the U.S on a mission to learn trades of growing food, building, and homesteading. I began by work-trading on small family-farms and homesteads through the WWOOF program (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms).

Over the course of a year, I was able to live with a dozen hosts, including ranchers, foragers, hunters, herbalists, intentional communities, off-grid homesteads, natural builders, primitive skills teachers, and more.

After this period of work-trading and studying, I returned to professional work. I became a permaculture landscape designer, installer, and community food forest volunteer in Austin, TX, built an earthen home in Centralia, WA, farmed goats and vegetables in Railroad Flat, CA, and built earthworks and watershed restoration projects in Ettersburg, CA.

Since moving to Leavenworth in fall of 2022, I’ve worked in construction, restaurants, outdoor education, substitute teaching, landscaping, and snow removal. As of May 2023, I work as the Land Steward at Wenatchee River Institute, creating a 13 acre demonstration site for ecological land stewardship and environmental education programming.

I created Shelter and Seeds with the goal of providing valuable, reliable, and helpful services to the local community so humans and other species can thrive.